
$ cat info.py

nick = 'gen0ne'

# Define your data

first_name = 'nicolas'

middle_name = 'damian'

last_name_initial = 's'

# Concatenate the GitHub username

github_username = first_name + middle_name + last_name_initial




$ pinky -l gen0ne

Login name: gen0ne             In real life: Nicolás Damián Sadofschi
Directory: /home/gen0ne        Shell: /bin/bash
About me:
I possess robust technical expertise in constructing and maintaining customer platforms, encompassing areas such as Networking, Linux & Windows Servers, Virtualization, Load Balancing, Firewalls, and Storage.
Fired up with a strong passion for Cyber Security, a healthy lifestyle, and smart investments.
Hobbies: Play with my Son, Family, Two wheels & Music.
This is a place for me to share and store stuff.

I know that I know nothing, but I also know that I know one thing more rather than yesterday.